Our Faculty's Radio, Television and Cinema Department Participated in the Artificial Intelligence and Education Curriculum Workshop.

04 Aralık 2024 Çarşamba

Within the scope of the 3rd International Film Studies Symposium hosted by Sakarya University, the Curriculum Workshop in the Context of Artificial Intelligence and Emerging Technologies was held. The workshop, attended by the Department Heads and academicians of Turkey's leading Radio, Television and Cinema Departments, discussed the steps that could be taken to update the curriculum and adapt to the sector. Our Radio, Television and Cinema Department Head Assoc. Prof. Dr. Derya Çetin and our Department Vice President Assoc. Prof. Dr. Yunus Emre Ökmen participated in the workshop and shared their views by evaluating the steps to be taken in terms of the current situation, deficiencies and opportunities.

The academicians focused on how curricula could be made more flexible and innovative in line with the rapidly changing technology and sector needs. It was emphasized that shaping curricula in parallel with the sector would enable students to adapt to the workforce more quickly after graduation. In addition, the deficiencies of applied education in technical fields such as cinema were discussed and it was stated that course content should be modernized in parallel with the digital transformation. The workshop also discussed the integration of artificial intelligence into educational processes. Participants stated that artificial intelligence-based tools can make educational processes more efficient and effective, but how educators will adapt to these new technologies is also a major problem.

News: Derya Çetin